Happy New Year!
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Here are Greg and I right after midnight last night, at an actual party. We had so much fun! |
I haven't done a meme lately, but I found this one from a few years back and thought I'd like to update it for the year that was 2013. To make it less boring, I've interspersed it with random pictures of my kids and family.
1. What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
1. What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
started taking graduate school classes for my LBS1 Endorsement (Special
Education). I already have a Master's Degree, but I love to learn and I have
enjoying being a graduate student
instead of a graduate instructor. We also took our first family vacation in
July. We went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Henry and I at the mouth of Mammoth Cave. |
2. Did you keep
your New Year's Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
didn't publish any for 2013, but my personal (unpublished) resolutions were:
Set aside specific, structured times to
spend with the boys. I definitely did this, especially over the summer when
I read up on techniques to help with speech development (for Henry) and Sensory
Processing Disorder (for Nick). I feel like it got harder to have those
structured times once school started up again.
Try to work on reducing my anxiety. Though
I learned some strategies for reducing anxiety and panic attacks, I don't know
that I was very successful at implementing them. This will definitely be an
ongoing personal goal.
Keep up with my blogging. I love to
write, and blogging has become really important to me because it helps me frame
my life and experiences in a positive way. In 2013 I published 160 blog posts, which
is more than 2012 but fewer than previous years. For me, blogging is a journal
as well as a way to share my experiences with the world. I write for an
audience because my writing is better that way, but I really write for myself. I'm not the type of writer who thinks much
about what my readers want me to write about. I just express myself, and I will
continue to do so.
Stay organized. This is my goal every
year, and, with the exception of the very few times I had a cleaning lady out,
I did not meet this goal. Ah, well. The older I get, the more I accept myself
as a person and realize the same part of my brain that makes me fairly creative
and great at multitasking also makes me leave my keys in the refrigerator and
leave my clean laundry piled up on our rocking chair for months on end.
will make more resolutions, perhaps later this week. Not sure if I'll publish
them yet.
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The bubble wrap made a way better toy than anything Santa brought. |
3. Did anyone
close to you give birth?
One of my closest friends from college had a beautiful baby boy last January.
He is adorable and I'm so happy for her family.
4. Did anyone
close to you die?
5. What places
did you visit?
my spring break, Greg and I went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a little getaway.
We liked it so much we brought the boys and Grandma Toni back in July. On the
way, we visited Mammoth Cave and Louisville, KY. Not as sophisticated as some
vacations, but we sure enjoyed ourselves!
6. What would
you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2014?
peace. Internally, I tend to blame myself for everything that happens. I also
apologize too much. In fact, whenever there's any type of conflict, regardless
of whether or not I did anything wrong, I automatically apologize and take on
the guilt, blame, and anxiety. I want to work on that, so that I can get some
inner peace. (Not the same kind of peace that comes from a nice glass of wine.
This would be better, I think.)
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Nick looks at peace. He wasn't even cold today, out there making snow angels. |
7. What dates
from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
sure I'll remember my 35th birthday. Some friends from work took me out to my
favorite tapas place and then to the movies, and I felt honored by the trouble
they went to in making my day special. I have some wonderful and caring friends.
will remember the anniversary trip Greg and I took in June at the Lincolnshire
Marriot. A live comedic play, a delicious dinner, and a bathwater-warm pool. .
. it was delightful.
also remember the day Henry had his surgery. I felt terror, relief, and so very
much love. My sons might drive me crazy, but I would do anything for them.
8. What was
your biggest achievement of the year?
really proud of the work I did with my ELL students this year. I spend hours
trying to come up with inspiring and interesting lessons that correlate to our
increasingly complex standards. No matter how incredibly stressful my job can
be, the kids I work with are amazing and they inspire me every day. I feel like
the hard work I put into their lessons paid off with excellent results.
9. What was
your biggest failure?
I failed to send out my Christmas cards on time. They'll be New Year's Cards
this year. I also have done very little formal exercise, though, I weigh less
than I did this time last year.
10. Did you
suffer illness or injury?
had influenza type b in March, along with my entire family. It was pretty bad,
and a strain not covered by the flu shot. Yes, I got the flu shot again this
year. I'm hoping they guessed the strains better. I also had some stomach
issues that still haven't been figured out. They have this awesome side effect
of making me lose weight and have no appetite.
11. What was
the best thing you bought?
we bought two ipad minis. The first one was a gift to myself using a speaker's
fee I received for speaking about ELL students on a panel at North Central. Then,
after repairing two cracked screens (one due to my own stupidity, one due to
Henry's anger), I wasn't sure it could be fixed. It was days before Henry's
surgery, so we bought another one. Once the first one was finally fixed, we
ended up with two ipads. Temper tantrums averted!
and I'm also pretty partial to my iphone 5. I am an apple convert now, though
my laptop is still PC.
12. Whose
behavior merited celebration?
I can never ignore the behavior of my husband, who does dishes, cleaning, and
taking care of the children, I think Nick and Henry both deserve kudos. Henry
has worked so hard on his speech and
play skills this year, and was a trooper with the whole surgery experience.
Nicholas has had a great year at preschool and his teacher says he's making
great progress, both academically and behaviorally. He can read many words now
and his counting skills are growing by leaps and bounds.
13. Whose
behavior made you appalled and depressed?
am deeply appalled by those who feel the need to criticize others to deal with
their own insecurities. Enough said about that.
14. Where did
most of your money go?
Also, student loans, medical copays, and groceries enough to feed two extremely
hungry little boys.
15. What did
you get really, really, really excited about?
to the spa with my friend Lynn. It was an extremely relaxing day when we both
needed one badly.
16. What song
will always remind you of 2013?
Does the Fox Say?" Oh, my, this song will never leave my head.
17. Compared to
this time last year, are you:
a. happier or
Probably sadder.
b. thinner or
fatter? Thinner,
c. richer or poorer? Poorer, for sure. The cost of diapers, you know.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
wish I'd spent more time outside with the kids this summer, and signed them up
for swim lessons. I want to make sure to do that this summer.
19. What do you
wish you'd done less of?
Also, looking for things I lost. I spent 40 minutes this afternoon looking for
my new insurance cards.
20. How did you
spend Christmas?
one? My family has many Christmases. See previous posts for more details.
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Nicholas and Henry, sadly contemplating the fact that Christmas must end at some point. |
21. Did you
fall in love in 2013?
With my iphone.
21. What was
your favorite TV program?
Big Bang Theory. Nick wants to create his own show with all the characters as
kids his age. I think it's actually quite a good idea.
22. What was
the best book you read?
two books by Deborah Harkness: A Discovery of Witches and its sequel, Shadow
of Night.
23. How would
you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013
took more risks this year. After losing a few pounds, I braved both skinny
jeans, knee-length dresses, and leggings with long tunics.
24. What kept
you sane?
In fact, caffeine in general.
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Greg and I rang in the new year at a party this year. It was awesome. |
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