Friday, January 23, 2015

Chocolate Festival 2015

The last few years, we've loved going to the Naperville Chocolate Festival. It has just about everything that little kids could want. Cookie stacking contest? Check.

Hey, they didn't win, but they liked the stacking process. This year, I managed to dissuade Henry from munching on the communal stacking cookies.

He was happy enough with his "prize cookie." (Everyone got a prize cookie, Henry was just extra excited about his.

I don't blame him. Chocolate cookies are worthy of celebration. But that wasn't all this festival had to offer. They had a bouncy house, too!

Nick liked the slide, though he preferred going down backwards and upside down!

This year, the room for kids had fewer offerings than in the past. What they had was nice, but I thought last year the kid room had many more things to do: basketball, two bouncy houses, and cool stuff from the DCM. This year it was somewhat smaller. Oh, well. At least Nick got to make this really tall chef's hat.

One convenient thing about the festival this year: It was on a Sunday, so Greg was able to go with us.

The "Kids in the Kitchen" part is always one of my favorites. I thought it was neat how this year, they gave the kids real bags of icing to decorate cookies. Check out how much they're concentrating!

The decorating was fun but messy, though I do think they should have used chocolate frosting.

I think I'll be attending the chocolate festival again next year, too. It was a fun day.

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