Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Egg'straordinary Fun in Downtown Plainfield

I wrote a few days ago about taking the boys to the Easter event in Downtown Plainfield. We had an eggceptionally good time and will be eggspecially certain to attend next year.

We had lovely weather all day, just perfect for strolling up and down looking for goodies and special things to do. Henry stayed in the stroller for most of it, people watching and enjoying the sunshine. The fresh air was eggshilarating.

They had a bouncy house and face painting, two ways to ensure my boy Nick had an eggcellent time.

After face painting and pictures, we went to the library to complete an eggstra special craft.

Nick made an eggstra sticky bunny necklace. (He used lots of glue.) Henry just crawled around, entertaining the volunteers with his cuteness and his mischievous crawling, climbing, and "traveling" (that's where he walks around holding on to things).

Here's Nick's final project. After this, we were all ready for a nap, myself included.  I was especially eggshausted. If you've read this far, you're probably not all that eggsthusiastic about my puns. Sorry about that. I'm pretty tired tonight and a little slap-happy, to tell you the truth. Puns make me giggle.

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