Friday, September 23, 2011

Time With My Guys

This week was really crazy for me, so I didn't get to see much of these guys.

I had to work until past their bedtimes two nights in a row. So despite the fact that I have lesson plans to write, tutoring to do, graduate school papers to grade, bills to pay, and I'm under a writing deadline (chapter is due in a week and a half), I'm absolutely determined to spend a lot of time with my boys this weekend. I've noticed that since having Henry, I really need to be mindful during my time with my sons. So I spend an hour or two truly being with them and interacting genuinely. Then I do what I need to do, with a smile on my face.

When I got home today, I put on a DVD called "Letter Factory." It's a somewhat cheesy cartoon all about the sounds letters make. I'm not actively teaching Nick to read, but I figured it couldn't hurt for him to watch the video. He's started asking for it lately, and today, quite awhile after we had watched the video, just randomly, he told me, "Mommy, your name makes the "mmm" sound. M is for mommy!"

Henry is developing, too. We stopped swaddling him a few weeks ago. He can hold things now--see him holding the measuring spoon? He's wearing 3-6 month pants. Henry's onesies are still the 0-3 month size, but he's tall enough that the smaller pants fit him like capri pants, which are not stylish for little boys.  He is drooling like crazy and trying to chew on his fingers, my fingers, and anything he can get his hands on lately. (With the exception of a binky. He does not like binkies.) Isn't it way too early for him to be teething?

Nick and I sang songs this evening and we spent almost an hour reading stories together. Henry sat on my lap and watched, too. One of the books we read was on body parts, so every time they referred to a body part (like an elbow, for example), Nick found his elbow, then my elbow, and finally Henry's elbow. Of course, when we got to the head, Nick decided to bonk his little brother on the noggin, but he's still learning about "gentle touches." Thankfully, Henry is a pretty forgiving little man.

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